PinnedHave you heard about the Kardashev Scale?Let’s hit directly to the base, the Kardashev Scale tells about the technological level of a civilization based on the amount of energy…Nov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020
Matter matters but what about Anti Matter?Sounds Interesting right, I know many physics & space enthusiasts would say, “Anti Matter, wow!”Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
Will humanity ever construct a Dyson sphere?No one on earth can answer this question with a confidence level of 100 unless you are a die-hard fan of Star Trek (just kidding)Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020
Pursuing EE as a hobbyA few years back as a sophomore, my google history had questions like, What to do to be a good electrical engineer?Nov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020
Go Old school for learning EV!Learning about Electric Vehicle Concepts (EVC’s) had been a challenge, especially for engineering students of this decade due to less…Nov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020